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It is the responsibility of today’s educators to prepare tomorrow’s workforce to be productive, socially conscientious well-adjusted citizens in a global environment. By 2020, two-thirds of the world’s population and three-fourths of the global workforce will be comprised of underrepresented and underprivileged populations. Without equitable access to education opportunities these segments of the global population will continue to be hindered in their quest to become contributing members of a peaceful and enlightened global society. It is evident that if these groups continue to be excluded from society’s mainstream, they will NOT be sufficiently prepared to effectively manage the world’s scarce resources or adequately sustain current and future populations. GENEO’s purpose is to provide educational institutions, corporations, political entities, and community organizations with effective strategies and resources to advance the equitable education of disenfranchised and underprivileged youth around the world.

Elinor L. BrownElinor Brown, Founder of GENEO, is an Associate Professor at the University of Kentucky, US. She is internationally recognized in equity and social justice education through her monograph series: International Advances in Education: Global Initiatives for Equity, and Social Justice; publications in distinguished national and international top tiered journals; numerous national and international presentations and workshops; and for hosting an international conference on culture and identity for selected scholars from countries across Africa, Asia, and Europe. Her research focuses on the development of equitable education, economic and mobility opportunities for disenfranchised youth.


Anna KrastevaAnna Krasteva is the Director of CERMES (Centre for Refugees, Migration and Ethnic  Studies) at the New Bulgarian University, a doctor honoris causa of University Lille 3, France, a fellow at the Institute for advanced studies in Nantes, France, a guest professor at many European universities, editor-in-chief of the international journal South Eastern Europe (BRILL), and  a member of numerous international scientific boards and journals, e.g. Nationalism and ethnic politics, (Routledge), 欧洲评论(Europeana, Shangai, China). She has edited 21 books and published articles in numerous countries. Research interests include: migration, ethnicity, e-citizenship.

Lisa Lopez-LeversLisa Lopez-Levers is the Rev. Francis Philben, C. S. Sp. Endowed Chair in African Studies and a Professor of counselor education in the School of Education, at Duquesne University, in Pittsburgh, PA. She is internationally recognized for her work with vulnerable children in Russia and Africa. She was a Fulbright Scholar in Botswana, researching indigenous knowledge, cultural aspects of HIV and AIDS, disability issues, and trauma. She recently published a textbook, Trauma Counseling: Theories and Interventions. Her scholarship has focused on marginalized populations, and she currently is assisting with the development of trauma counseling centers in the southern region of Africa. 

MacLeans Geo-JajaMacLeans Geo-JaJa is an economist in the Department of Educational Leadership, at Brigham Young university and a Fulbright Senior Specialist Fellow who serves as a technical and program adviser on capacity-building, human and curriculum development, and capacity-building to universities around the world. He has authored  articles and book chapters on human rights in development aid, structural adjustment and decentralization in education, and human development in economic growth. He is on the  Advisory Board of the UNESCO International Review of Education Journal. He is a visiting Research Fellow at Zhejiang Normal University and a consultant to international organizations including The World Bank, DFID, UNDP and USAID and a resent member of  Nigerian National Think Tank.

MariaMaria Ranieri holds a PhD in “Telematics and Information Society”. Her main research areas include theory and methodology relating to media and technology in education, as well as work around teachers’ practices and students’ learning. On these topics she published several papers and books – most recently e-Engagement against violence. Tools for media and citizenship education (ARACNE, Roma, 2014). She worked in and coordinated a number of (European) research projects on topics of media education, mobile learning and social networks. She is member of the Executive Committee of the Italian Association of Media Education and Co-editor-in-chief of the journal Media Education. Studies, research and good practices.

David ZyngierDavid Zyngier is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education. His research focuses on teacher pedagogies and beliefs and their impacts on students from disadvantaged communities. His research is widely used within school education, teacher education courses and is cited internationally. In 2014 Dr. Zyngier was nominated for the Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Research Impact (Economic and Social) and in 2012 he received an Australian research Council grant of $36,500 to investigate how educator’s beliefs on democracy impact their classroom teaching. He is co-director of the Global Doing Democracy Research Project. David’s research has had a significant impact in the public media, school and education department policy and practice, Australian and Victorian education policy, and internationally. 


Educational Equity and social justice for marginalized populations